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Month: October 2018

Oct 9 hw

Oct 9 hw

In everyone’s life, there are some very significant things and some very insignificant things. These are determined by each individual and varies. In Gee’s Building Tasks article he talks about the seven building tasks of Discourse. One of them is significance, Gee states “But for many things, we need to use language to render them significant or to lessen their significance, to signal to others how we view their significance” (Gee 32). We use language to communicate to others why…

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oct 4 hw

oct 4 hw

Gee’s Building Tasks for Discourse Analysis Building Evidence for an Analysis of Science Discourse   For each of these seven building tasks, Cripps has modeled one example of a passage and brief explanation. Find your own quotes and do your own explaining.  You are not required/expected to have an example in each of the seven building tasks.   Significance “ The educational task of helping students recognize the human nature of scientific activity and the rhetorical nature of scientific texts…

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Annotation Homework for October 4

Annotation Homework for October 4

 questioning how to write an abstract/relate to self  relating to high school lab reports  writing in own words to help understand  Help my understanding of how language changes based on where you are  relationship to self in high school  questioning/ seeking more explanation

oct 2 hw

oct 2 hw

  In Christina Hass’s opening statement, she talks about what becoming literate is at the college level. By this, she means that in college, a textbook becomes more than just a text. Hass states that “Disciplinary texts, like all texts, are intensely situated, rife with purpose and motive, anchored in myriad ways to the individuals and the cultures that produce them,” (Hass 44). Here she is explaining how even in academic writing, there is a purpose to it. To become…

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