Active Reading

Active Reading

Learning outcome 3

In high school, annotating was not required so I rarely did it. When I had to do it for my English class, I was unsure of how to approach it. I would make just vague comments that did not really interact with the text. I started to get more in-depth with my annotations when we had to read the scholarly articles. As Gilroy said, I began using my annotating as a skeleton outline to help me understand what the author was trying to say. This helped me understand Gee’s article and Haas’s scholarly articles. I chose to discuss the things that I did not understand or things that made me think of something else. In Christina Haas’s article, “Learning to Read Biology” I mainly used my annotations to understand and question her writing. I related it briefly in some parts to Gee’s ideas of Discourse as well. While reading Williams article, “Heroes, Rebels, and Victims: Student Identities in Literacy Narratives”, I focused on understanding and relating annotations. I related it to the other two articles we had to read for this project, Alexander and Brandt. I chose the relevant information hat would help me in my paper, and the information that challenged me. This article though, helped me understand Alexanders article more clearly though. As the semester went on, my annotations became deeper and varied amoung the learning outcomes. I still heavily annotate to understand, becuase it helps me understand when I right it in my own words. I still need more varitey of my annotations and work on challenging and asking more questions.
