LifeSpan Development
My Description and What I Did
In this course, we learned about the different biological, cognitive and psychosocial aspects of each life stage, from birth to death. This course also examines how different aspects such as SES, gender, and culture affect each developmental stage as well. In this class, we go through each component in correlation to the life stage we are reading. We have a quiz every four chapters, and three reaction papers to write after an article that goes along with what we are learning at the moment. At the end of the semester, we have a cross-cultural analysis project with a partner. For this, we compare one aspect of the age range we were assigned and compare it to another country cultural views on it.
Official Course Description
This course introduces students to developmental theory and research across the lifespan and explores the interaction of heredity and environment from conception through death. In addition, the impact of sociocultural contexts (culture, gender, socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity, etc.) on physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development will be considered throughout the semester. This course fulfills an SGA requirement in the Core Curriculum.
Here is an example of one of the reaction papers we had to write: